Website Scraping

We set up a “turnkey” scraping site and give you the information you need in a convenient form in a convenient channel for you.

AUTOMATION OF MARKETINGPre-order scraping site

How to scrape a supplier's website?

Web scraping involves collecting information from a vendor’s site on a one-time or ongoing basis. Can collect almost anything from the site, from the pages need to put on your site to the descriptions of individual products or prices. In this case, when uploading to your site, can make changes, such as adding a markup to prices, or specific text to product descriptions.

Why do you need to scrape a competitor's website?

This way you can get information about all the products and the supplier. Scraping websites with python can speed up this process if we are talking about large amounts of information, but in this case need to calculate the load on the site and the tools.

Why scrape marketplaces?

If you need to place a lot of products on your site and add them regularly – then scraping marketplaces, scraping sites and any other Internet sources with subsequent automatic publication on your site – is what you need!

How do scrape web-services?

Scraping a website when using RPA robots is no different from parsing an online store. Yes, it can be a bit more complicated, but it’s doable anyway. With the help of software robots, you can scrape any web service or desktop, mobile application, giving the result automatically in a form convenient for you to a channel convenient for you. 

What can be used as a source for scraping?

Any desktop or mobile application can be used as a scraping source. RPA robots can gather data of any kind from any app or site and transfer it to any app or site just like humans do. Only faster and without errors!


The robot is faster than a human and does its job 24/7/365.


The robot functions without errors in automatic mode.


Scraping allows to free people from a large amount of routine activities.


What is website scraping?

Website scraping – is the automatic collection of complex information from online stores or other sources and its formatting, mainly in the form of an Excel file.

What is website scraping for?
Scraping sites is necessary to reduce the amount of work of the content manager, as well as improve its quality. The robot allows you to quickly and better perform a comprehensive collection of information.
How can automate data collection

Complex data collection is automated using special tools, such as software RPA robots. Scraping can be either disposable or reusable.

What is the automation of information collection
Automation allows you to increase sales. The robot does not make mistakes, so it does its job as efficiently as possible. Robotization is effective in solving complex problems.
What is the benefit of robotization of information collection
Scraping online stores allows you to free the content manager from many routine actions and improve the quality of filling product positions.
Автоматизация и оптимизация бизнес процессов фото (3)

business automation

Automated site scraping will be appreciated by companies that work with the same sites every day.